Social Services
Our social service team provides the first essential element of student-centered care. Members of our accredited and licensed staff welcome each student to our program through the admission process, establish real connections with students and families; and help to develop an all-encompassing plan of care, working with our school, medical, behavioral and rehabilitation services, dietary services and residential life teams. Each student’s case is assigned to a social services staff member who will serve as a central contact for all academic, personal, and family needs.
Michele Saich, LMSW
Director of Social Services
(914) 968-4854 x 1235

At SAIL, we hold ourselves to the highest ethical, legal and professional standards in our field.
We adhere to responsible, honest conduct; with business and financial decision making practices that are transparent and which respect the laws and regulations of the government agencies that oversee our work.
We are affiliated with, and in compliance with the standards put forth by our governing agencies: